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Child Protection Rights

India is home to more than 40 crore children. Though we have made considerable economic and social progress since independence, a large number of children are still living in inhuman and pathetic conditions. They are subject to abuse and exploitation, especially the girl child. They are deprived of basic services and forced to drop from school and work. They are living on streets and mostly get trafficked for sexual and other purposes. Trafficking of girls for commercial sexual exploitation, domestic labour and forced marriage continues to be a serious problem.

Such children need special care and protection. They need to be rescued, rehabilitated, repatriated and reintegrated into the mainstream of life. A protective environment has to be created to ensure their access to education, protection from economic and sexual exploitation and to make them lead their lives with safety and dignity. The community has a major role to play in creating such an environment. Teachers, Panchayat members, Field Functionaries and Social Workers have to work together to reduce the vulnerabilities of such children.

It is said that progress made by a country can be determined by the health of its citizens, especially that of children. Unfortunately, with increase in incidence of child abuse, exploitation and violence, the well-being of our 400 million children and that of our country is questionable. All people under the age of 18 are entitled to the standards and rights guaranteed by the laws that govern our country and the international legal instruments we have accepted by ratifying them. Here our institution focuses on the awareness of all these rights among the society.

The Constitution of India guarantees all children certain rights, which have been specially included for them. These include:

  • Right to free and compulsory elementary education for all children in the 6-14 year age group (Article 21 A).
  • Right to be protected from any hazardous employment till the age of 14 years (Article 24).
  • Right to be protected from being abused and forced by economic necessity to enter occupations unsuited to their age or strength (Article 39(e)).
  • Right to equal opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and guaranteed protection of childhood and youth against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment (Article 39 (f)).

      MYTH: Children are never abused or exploited. Society loves its children.

      FACT: Yes it is true that we love our children, but clearly there is something missing. India has the largest number of child labourers in the world, the largest number of sexually abused children and the lowest ever male to female child ratio in the 0-6 age group, showing that the very survival of the girl child is at stake. Even young infants are not spared when they are sold for adoption or simply killed.

      Crimes recorded against children present a sordid tale! Going by the Government’s own records, there has been a 11.1 percent increase in crimes against children between 2002 and 2003. There are many more cases that never get reported.

      MYTH: Home is the safest haven.

      FACT: The extent of abuse faced by children in their homes clearly belies this belief. Often children are seen as their .Following the facts & truths our institution is focussing on the awareness and the prevailing of the constitutional safeguards of all the childrens irrespective of caste, age & gender. At this stage our institution focuses for spreading of knowledge of children rights not India but in every corners of the world. Our institution focuses to prevent the childhoods of the childrens & to provide them a better life & future. To render service to the children & youths of the country for their actual moral, social & legal rights & to educate the people through organizing various kinds of awareness & development programes/activities of Child Protection Laws & Rights meant for them. To promote literacy, cultural & other social activities by the Awareness Programes, Adult Education/Sex education Classes, Lectures, Cultural Programes, Press Conferences & Seminers.

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